Dan James's picture

ClusterShot New Features

Dan James (not verified) on Tue, 2009-02-10 16:36
Sweet. Thank you for the great review. We hear you loud and clear on the IPTC keywords. We're building it. I'll let you know as soon as it's ready. As for the rest of the new things we're planning, see this post on our shiny new blog. Thanks again for the review!
Steve Gibson's picture

Good to hear it

Steve Gibson on Wed, 2009-02-11 17:20

I look forward to it, and I understand that with slightly less than standard 'standards' around IPTC/XMP implementation it's not such a straight forward process as it first appears, do keep me informed (or indeed all users of your site) with any new features and i'll update the review.

thanks, steve

Dan James's picture

IPTC Tagging

Dan James (not verified) on Tue, 2009-04-07 15:00
I finally was able to cycle back to this only to find that you discovered the new feature yourself. Thanks for taking note and good luck with your sales. It's very important to point out that we're not yet at a point where people can post their photos and immediately make money off of them. We simply do not have that much free-range traffic. Most of the sales are coming from photographers who are promoting their images and using ClusterShot as their checkout (as we intended). Our goal right now is to make tools that make sense in the long run. It's fairly lightweight to run right now and we are dedicated to its long-term success. We haven't forgotten about the FTP idea. It's on our long list of things to do. I noticed in our profile that you don't have a total number of available images for us. We're just shy of 100,000 images actually for sale. We have quite a bit more imported by our users but not priced yet. Thanks again!
Steve Gibson's picture


Steve Gibson on Thu, 2009-04-09 01:02

Thanks for the update on the number of images. From what I understand 100,000 is the magic number that a new agency needs to get started (provided i guess it's a well rounded collection).

"It's fairly lightweight to run right now and we are dedicated to its long-term success"

I like what i hear in that sentence, with the cost of storage and bandwidth falling exponentially, I can't see why any well thought out e-business should ever have to close or use some excuse about the "economic crisis". That might be over simplifying things, and when I said the same statement at a recent conference was was met with general disagreement. But I think its true, especially if the business model can continue to run day to day on incomes from sales, and letting end users do their own marketing - a subject which a lot of "2.0" photographers are getting quite smart about.

Dan James's picture

WebDAV uploading

Dan James (not verified) on Mon, 2009-08-03 14:01
I just wanted to let you know that your wish for FTP uploading has now been granted. It's not quite FTP (we think it's better) it's WebDAV. For more information on how to use this latest and greatest feature on ClusterShot please see: http://www.clustershot.com/help/addphotos#webdav Thanks!
Steve Gibson's picture


Steve Gibson on Tue, 2009-08-04 02:41
thanks for the update dan. I had a sale too! only one so it's nothing to shout about just yet, it was interesting to see that it was of a quite low resolution image (500 × 331 pixels) that I had imported from my flickr account as an experiment. - the flickr import was so simple too. the image is at http://www.clustershot.com/photoeverywhere/photo169422, A landscape that I would not normally consider selling as stock anyone who has a flickr account of images they would like to sell might consider it, perhaps the more fine art or abstract style images they market themselves with or take for their own pleasure but would not consider suitable for "microstock" are now something to be made use of? Work in stock for too long and you can get blinkered.
Dan James's picture

Congrats & Pro Accounts

Dan James (not verified) on Tue, 2009-08-04 18:58
Awesome. Glad you had a sale. That is what we feel is the success of the site. You sell a photo you might never have sold otherwise (and hopefully more!). I also wanted to let you know that we launched our "pro accounts" today. The three biggest features right now for pros (more to come later) are: 1) Your own site. See http://danjames.clustershot.com/ for an example. We also support custom domains. So you can use store.yourdomain.com or whatever you'd like. 2) Custom watermarking. We bowed to the pressure of the masses to make it an option. You simply let us know what text you would like superimposed on your images and we do the rest. 3) Pro identification. We show off your pro-status wherever it makes sense on the public version of ClusterShot.com. All of this for $20/year (yes per year, not per month). That's less than most people spend on toothpaste! We'd love to see ClusterShot finally rated on here :)

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